Recommended Gear

What to Wear on the Ice
Clothing: Comfort and the ability to move about freely is an absolute must for figure skaters. Plenty of layers along with a jacket should be worn. While it’s easy to assume it is warmer indoors, arenas do keep thermostats set at a brisk 50 degrees. Sweatpants or warm-up pants are better than bulkier snow pants. Skaters should discard layers as they get warmer.
Socks: As for feet, one pair of lightweight socks or thinner tights work best. Bulky, thick socks limit support and create uncomfortable bumps inside your boots.
Gloves and mittens: They’re not to keep your hands warm; they protect hands as skaters learn to fall and stand back up. These are crucial for beginning skaters and definitely still recommended for advanced skaters.
Hair: Hair must be pulled away from the face and secured in a ponytail or bun. This is very important as hair in the face can be a hazard for a skater who is trying to learn how to spin or jump.
Fitting Skates
Try on skates until the most comfortable pair is found. The rule of thumb: the closer the fit, the more control. Boots should be snug, giving toes just enough wiggle room without pinching. Feet should be immobile with the heel far back in the boot. Solid support is also necessary because staying upright takes a considerable amount of strength.
Note: Be aware that rental skates are designed to fit everyone. Shoe size also does not necessarily match skate size.
Lacing Skates
First, tap the heel way back into the boot. Gently pull the tongue up and secure it straight up and down before tucking it beside the foot. Pull the second or third sets of laces from the bottom tightly to close the boot well over the front of the foot.
Laces should be snug through the ankle area and bottom two sets of hooks. The top two hooks can be looser to keep the ankle flexible. Cross extra laces over hooks neatly. Avoid winding it around the skates as loose flying bows often lead to accidents.
Now test it. Stick a finger between the back of the boot and leg to show skates were well laced. If the skate hurts or feels uncomfortable, relace and adjust.
Safety Helmets
All beginning skaters should wear them.
- Make sure the helmet fits comfortably and snug. Wear the helmet low in front to protect the forehead.
- Keep it level and immobile. Avoid tilting back or pulling low.
- Secure chinstrap buckle. Check the adjustment often for protection, in case of a fall or collision. Replace your helmet immediately if signs or damage are visible.
- Clean the helmet with mild soap and water only.
- Store the helmet in a cool, dry place.
- Have the skater present during helmet purchase to test and ensure a good fit.
- Wear anything under the helmet.
- Attach anything to the helmet.
- Wear a helmet that does not fit or cannot be adjusted properly.
- Leave a helmet in direct sunlight or in a car on a sunny day.
Steamboat Skating Club Jackets
The Steamboat Skating Club has a club jacket that is available for purchase multiple times throughout the year. If you are interested in getting a club jacket for your skater, please email and we can let you know when the next order will be placed.